Demo websites

1. Plumber demo site

Fully equipped site with 3 to 6 eye-catching & high quality pages! With complete details about different services.
2. Active menu highlighted on scroll or click & moving cloud dividers

Example: Multilingual Import & Export website

Fully equipped site. While the user can instantly jump or scroll to any section of the single page website, the active menu is highlighted and the section dividers styled as clouds move horizontally. The background pictures remain fixed while scrolling down. I use unique JavaScript techniques to achieve these effects. Fast & easy navigation.
3. E-learning website (Learning management system)

Example: English academy for Chinese students

Fully equipped site. Courses with enroll & pay system. Lessons with audio, pdf books, sliders & videos, quiz. Downloadable online certificates & course completion awards. Zoom integration in website for online face to face teaching.
4. Extra-large site with special features

Example: University programs

Fully equipped site with 10-15 personalized & high quality pages with special features like tables to display very detailed information (content of university programs), through responsive modules well adapted to mobile view.


In all websites

  • Integrated social media
  • Responsive design
  • Content management system
  • Google Analytics
  • SSL secure certificate (https:// prefix)
  • Contact form
  • General site maintenance and technical support
  • Training for content update
  • Downloadable backup